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Can You Convert a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Russia?

Can You Convert a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Russia?

If you are planning to visit Russia on a tourist visa but also have the intention to work there, you might be wondering if it is possible to convert your tourist visa to a work visa. In this blog post, we will discuss the process and requirements for converting a tourist visa to a work visa in Russia.

Requirements for Converting a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Russia

1. Valid Work Permit: In order to convert your tourist visa to a work visa, you must first obtain a valid work permit from the Russian authorities. This work permit should be issued by your prospective employer in Russia.

2. Invitation Letter: Your prospective employer should also provide you with an invitation letter stating the purpose of your visit and confirming that you will be working for them. This letter will be required when applying for the work visa.

3. Medical Examination: As part of the work visa application process, you will need to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you are fit to work in Russia. This examination will include tests for infectious diseases.

4. Proof of Qualifications: You will also need to provide proof of your qualifications and relevant work experience to support your application for a work visa. This can include educational certificates, employment contracts, and reference letters.

Process for Converting a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Russia

1. Obtain a Work Permit: As mentioned earlier, you must first obtain a work permit from the Russian authorities. Your prospective employer in Russia will assist you with this process.

2. Apply for a Work Visa: Once you have the work permit and invitation letter from your employer, you can apply for a work visa at the Russian embassy or consulate in your home country. Make sure to submit all the required documents and pay the visa application fee.

3. Medical Examination: After submitting your visa application, you will be required to undergo a medical examination at a designated medical facility. The results of this examination will be sent directly to the Russian authorities.

4. Visa Processing: The processing time for a work visa can vary, but it usually takes several weeks. Once your visa is approved, you will be notified and can collect your passport with the visa from the embassy or consulate.


Converting a tourist visa to a work visa in Russia is possible, but it requires obtaining a work permit and fulfilling other requirements. It is important to follow the correct process and provide all the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your visa application, feel free to contact AGT Visa Services.

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