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Initiating your Djibouti adventure is simplified with us

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to "Apply Djibouti Visa"

Apply Visa Online
After choosing Djibouti as your destination, select your nationality and departure country, then click "Apply Now".
Choose Visa Type
According to your travel necessities, pick the suitable Djibouti visa type. Make sure to check the list of required documents.
Fill Application Form
Carefully enter all the required information in the visa application form and upload the needed documents.
Make Payment
Finalize your Djibouti visa application by completing the payment process.
With these easy-to-follow steps, your Djibouti Visa application is only a few clicks away. Get ready to explore the mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant culture of Djibouti with us.

Djibouti Overview

Djibouti is a small country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Ethiopia to the west and south, and Somalia to the southeast. The country is known for its beautiful beaches, rugged mountains, and unique culture.

Key Highlights

  • Visit the beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Tadjoura
  • Explore the rugged terrain of the Goda Mountains
  • Experience the unique culture of Djibouti City
  • See the stunning Lac Assal, the lowest point in Africa

Things to Do

There are plenty of things to do in Djibouti, including:

  • Relax on the beach
  • Go hiking in the mountains
  • Visit the markets in Djibouti City
  • Take a boat trip to see the whales and dolphins

Travel Tips

Here are some travel tips to help you plan your trip:

  • Plan your trip in advance and book your accommodation and transportation early
  • Be respectful of the local culture and dress modestly
  • Carry plenty of water and sunscreen
  • Be aware of the local laws and regulations

Visa Information

To visit Djibouti, you will need a visa. You can apply for a visa through AGT Visa Services. Our team will assist you with the visa application process and ensure that you have all the necessary documents.


There are plenty of accommodation options in Djibouti, from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious hotels. Some popular options include:

  • Djibouti Palace Kempinski
  • Hotel Residence de lEurope
  • Nomad Palace Hotel
  • Hotel Djibouti


The main mode of transportation in Djibouti is by taxi. You can also rent a car if you prefer to drive yourself. There are also bus services available, although they can be unreliable.

Weather and Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Djibouti is between November and February, when the weather is cooler and drier. The rest of the year is hot and humid, with occasional rainfall.


Djiboutian cuisine is a mix of African, Middle Eastern, and French influences. Some popular dishes include:

  • Skoudehkaris - a rice and meat dish
  • Fah-fah - a soup made with meat and vegetables
  • Sambuusas - a type of samosa filled with meat or vegetables
  • Bouillie - a sweet porridge made with milk and sugar

Local Laws and Regulations

It is important to be aware of the local laws and regulations when visiting Djibouti. Some things to keep in mind include:

  • Alcohol is prohibited in public places
  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites
  • Photography is restricted in some areas
  • Homosexuality is illegal

Health and Safety

It is important to take certain precautions to ensure your health and safety when visiting Djibouti:

  • Drink only bottled water
  • Use mosquito repellent to avoid malaria and dengue fever
  • Avoid walking alone at night
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables safe

Currency and Payment

The currency used in Djibouti is the Djiboutian franc (DJF). Credit cards are not widely accepted, so it is recommended to carry cash. There are ATMs available in Djibouti City.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular activities to do in Djibouti?

Some popular activities to do in Djibouti include exploring the stunning Lac Assal, snorkeling in the clear waters of the Red Sea, visiting the beautiful beaches of Moucha Island, and witnessing the unique phenomenon of whale sharks in the Gulf of Tadjoura.

Is Djibouti a safe country for tourists?

Yes, Djibouti is considered a safe country for tourists. However, its always recommended to take general safety precautions and follow the local guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Do I need a visa to visit Djibouti?

Yes, most visitors to Djibouti require a visa. You can apply for a visa through AGTs visa services at absglobaltravel.com.

What is the best time to visit Djibouti?

The best time to visit Djibouti is during the cooler months of November to February when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities. However, Djibouti can be visited year-round.

Are there any cultural etiquette or dress code requirements in Djibouti?

While Djibouti is a predominantly Muslim country, it has a more relaxed dress code compared to some other Muslim-majority nations. However, it is still respectful to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or interacting with the local population.

Can I go scuba diving in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti offers excellent scuba diving opportunities. The crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea provide a vibrant underwater world with diverse marine life and coral reefs.

Are there any national parks or wildlife reserves in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti is home to several national parks and wildlife reserves, including Day Forest National Park, Forêt du Day, and Hanlé Plains. These areas offer opportunities for wildlife spotting, birdwatching, and hiking.

What are the transportation options in Djibouti?

In Djibouti, you can travel by taxi, car rental, or public transportation. Taxis are the most common mode of transportation, and car rentals are also available for more flexibility. Public transportation includes buses and minibusses.

Are there any cultural festivals or events in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti celebrates various cultural festivals and events throughout the year, including the National Day of Djibouti on June 27th, Independence Day on November 27th, and the Festival of Lights in December. These events showcase the rich cultural heritage of Djibouti.

Can I visit Djibouti for a day trip from neighboring countries?

Yes, Djibouti is easily accessible for day trips from neighboring countries like Ethiopia and Somalia. However, its recommended to check the visa requirements and plan your trip accordingly.

What are some popular activities to do in Djibouti?

Some popular activities to do in Djibouti include exploring the stunning Lac Assal, snorkeling in the clear waters of the Red Sea, visiting the beautiful beaches of Moucha Island, and witnessing the unique phenomenon of whale sharks in the Gulf of Tadjoura.

Is Djibouti a safe country for tourists?

Yes, Djibouti is considered a safe country for tourists. However, its always recommended to take general safety precautions and follow the local guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Do I need a visa to visit Djibouti?

Yes, most visitors to Djibouti require a visa. You can apply for a visa through AGTs visa services at absglobaltravel.com.

What is the best time to visit Djibouti?

The best time to visit Djibouti is during the cooler months of November to February when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities. However, Djibouti can be visited year-round.

Are there any cultural etiquette or dress code requirements in Djibouti?

While Djibouti is a predominantly Muslim country, it has a more relaxed dress code compared to some other Muslim-majority nations. However, it is still respectful to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or interacting with the local population.

Can I go scuba diving in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti offers excellent scuba diving opportunities. The crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea provide a vibrant underwater world with diverse marine life and coral reefs.

Are there any national parks or wildlife reserves in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti is home to several national parks and wildlife reserves, including Day Forest National Park, Forêt du Day, and Hanlé Plains. These areas offer opportunities for wildlife spotting, birdwatching, and hiking.

What are the transportation options in Djibouti?

In Djibouti, you can travel by taxi, car rental, or public transportation. Taxis are the most common mode of transportation, and car rentals are also available for more flexibility. Public transportation includes buses and minibusses.

Are there any cultural festivals or events in Djibouti?

Yes, Djibouti celebrates various cultural festivals and events throughout the year, including the National Day of Djibouti on June 27th, Independence Day on November 27th, and the Festival of Lights in December. These events showcase the rich cultural heritage of Djibouti.

Can I visit Djibouti for a day trip from neighboring countries?

Yes, Djibouti is easily accessible for day trips from neighboring countries like Ethiopia and Somalia. However, its recommended to check the visa requirements and plan your trip accordingly.