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How to Deal with Lost or Stolen Visas in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

How to Deal with Lost or Stolen Visas in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

If you have lost or had your visa stolen while in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), it is essential to take immediate action to avoid any legal complications. AGT Visa Services is here to guide you through the process and provide the necessary assistance to resolve the situation.

Steps to Take

When you realize that your visa is lost or stolen, follow these steps:

  1. Report the incident to the local police: Go to the nearest police station and file a report about the lost or stolen visa. This will serve as an official record of the incident.
  2. Contact your embassy or consulate: Inform your embassy or consulate about the situation and provide them with a copy of the police report. They will guide you on the next steps to take.
  3. Notify AGT Visa Services: Reach out to AGT Visa Services, and we will assist you in contacting the relevant authorities and provide guidance on the visa replacement process.
  4. Apply for a new visa: Based on the instructions from your embassy or consulate, apply for a new visa. AGT Visa Services will help you with the necessary documentation and procedures.
  5. Follow up with the authorities: Stay in touch with the authorities involved in the visa replacement process to ensure a smooth and timely resolution.

Assistance from AGT Visa Services

AGT Visa Services understands the stress and inconvenience caused by a lost or stolen visa. We offer the following assistance:

  • Guidance throughout the process: Our experienced team will guide you through the necessary steps and provide support at every stage.
  • Documentation assistance: We will help you gather and prepare the required documents for the visa replacement.
  • Liaison with authorities: AGT Visa Services will act as a liaison between you and the relevant authorities, ensuring clear communication and a smooth resolution.
  • Timely updates: We will keep you informed about the progress of your visa replacement and any additional steps you need to take.

Remember, it is crucial to act swiftly when dealing with a lost or stolen visa. Contact AGT Visa Services and let us assist you in resolving the situation efficiently and effectively.

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