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Can You Convert a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Georgia?

Can You Convert a Tourist Visa to a Work Visa in Georgia?

Georgia, with its bustling economy and growing job opportunities, has become an attractive destination for foreigners looking to work and live abroad. If you are currently in Georgia on a tourist visa and have found employment opportunities, you might be wondering if it is possible to convert your tourist visa to a work visa.

The process of converting a tourist visa to a work visa in Georgia is not straightforward, but it is possible under certain circumstances. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Find a Job Offer

The first step is to secure a job offer from an employer in Georgia. The job offer should be from a company that is registered and authorized to employ foreign workers. Make sure the job offer specifies the position, salary, and duration of employment.

Step 2: Obtain a Work Permit

Once you have a job offer, your employer needs to apply for a work permit on your behalf. The work permit is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and allows you to legally work in the country. Your employer will need to submit various documents, including your job offer, proof of their companys registration, and your passport.

Step 3: Apply for a Residence Permit

After obtaining the work permit, you need to apply for a residence permit. The residence permit allows you to legally reside in Georgia for the duration of your employment. You will need to submit your passport, work permit, proof of accommodation, and other supporting documents.

Step 4: Medical Examination and Insurance

As part of the residence permit application process, you will be required to undergo a medical examination. This examination ensures that you are in good health and free from infectious diseases. Additionally, you will need to have health insurance coverage during your stay in Georgia.

Step 5: Extension and Renewal

Once you have obtained your work and residence permits, you can legally work in Georgia. It is important to note that work permits and residence permits have expiration dates, and you will need to renew them before they expire to continue working and residing in the country.

Converting a tourist visa to a work visa in Georgia is a complex process that requires careful planning and adherence to the immigration laws of the country. It is recommended to seek professional assistance from a reliable visa service provider like AGT to ensure a smooth and successful visa conversion.

AGT is a trusted visa service provider that offers comprehensive visa services for Georgia. Contact us today to learn more about the visa conversion process and how we can assist you.

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